10 de julio de 2011

Answer the questions.

Write about the history of another sport
1) When did the sport start? Where?
2) In the rules the some as they are today?
3) In wich countries is this sport popular?
4) Wich is the biggest event of this sport in th e world?
5) What kind of equipment do you need to practise this sport?

R1) The sport start in 1895 in United States, en Holyoke, Massachusetts.
R2) Players must keep the ball touches the ground within its field because if not, point to the opposing team. If the ball just outside the rink, is a misguided attack on the opponentor a mistake in trying to defend. Failure to the player and the team that last touched the ball once. No se permite la penetración por debajo de la red si interfiere con el juego del contrario o si un pie traspasa completamente la línea central.
R3) In USA this sport is very popular.
R4)The most important event of this sport is the World cup volleyball.
R5) As in tennis, volleyball players during the match dress shirt, shorts, socks, shoes and kneepads. To be continuous contact with the ground is usually also wear knee and elbow protections. At first glance, apart immediately released because the players are adifferent color dress the rest of his teammates.